The effects of glycation

Looking for some n=1 data points and possibly research links about the effects of glycation (the binding of glucose to proteins, hormones etc). Does anyone have bloodwork before and during keto (more than 6 months) and is willing to share their hormone levels and red bloodcell count?

Any links to research papers that discuss the topic?

On a keto diet the glycation is supposed to go down due to lower presence of glucose in the blood. This means that signaling molecules such as hormones are able to do their work with less quantity. Glycation causes them to not function correctly so less damage means less of them needed. I want to see if this is actually happening because it means that your blood panel has to be viewed in a different way. What would be a good level for a keto would look too low compared to the general carb population. Same story for red blood cell count. Do you need as much of them when less of them get damaged? It would be additional value if you could post your hba1c as well.