KCPS Bond Initiative: How's everyone feeling about it?

I'm watching the KCPS Bond Initiative closely and am curious what the general feeling is toward it.

On one hand, of course I want to help make KC schools successful, and I certainly respect the challenges of deferred maintenance, outdated buildings, and capacity issues.

On the other hand, the KCPS district has a long history of spending a lot of money without achieving consistently positive academic outcomes.

Plus, many residents are still reeling from an arguably unethical property tax debacle, we were just asked to fund hundreds of millions dollars for stadiums (and may somehow be asked again...or forced to pay...while being made out as the bad guys the whole time), and we are all facing an uncertain economic future at the national level (inflation, workforce reductions, tax increases/tariffs.....)

So what's everyone thinking or feeling about the upcoming vote?

The GO Bond would raise $474 million, which includes:

$424 million for KCPS.

$50 million for nine charter school partners.

In addition to the GO Bond, KCPS will issue a $100 million Certificate of Participation (COP) Bond in Spring 2025. This bond will be repaid from existing operating revenues, will not increase taxes, and does not require voter approval.