Should I Watch Joseph’s Danganronpa Playthrough?

I’ve been watching Joseph’s Ace Attorney playthrough and I’m really enjoying it, though he’s made a few comparisons to Dangan that reflect poorly on Dangan.

I get the feeling he straight up didn’t enjoy the game much, and given its one of my favourite games of all time I’m worried I’ll just be sitting there watching a guy pick at every plot inconsistency and contrivance (which isn’t unjustified/not allowed of course!!) in the game, which isn’t really what I want to do.

Even in Ace Attorney, generally I much prefer the parts where he’s engaging with the story rather than going on a tangent about poor writing, but the latter parts are few and far between so I’m still really enjoying the playthrough - but just from the comparisons/jokes he’s been making in the AA playthrough it comes off as though he spends even more time picking at Dangan.

It’s probably stupid for me to even ask this and not just try watching it to begin with, but I wanted to get the more avid viewers’ opinions.