Got let go today
So today I was “let go” He said “I wasn’t a good fit” 7 months in.
I asked for an explanation of what it means to not be a good fit. He responded “I can’t say” No letter of termination
But ai did say “what do you mean? You come to an exit interview with no idea why you’re letting me go?”
What is this?
I am annoyed. I haven’t cried yet but, I will.
I will bake this weekend that will make me feel better, right?
So today I was “let go” He said “I wasn’t a good fit” 7 months in.
I asked for an explanation of what it means to not be a good fit. He responded “I can’t say” No letter of termination
But ai did say “what do you mean? You come to an exit interview with no idea why you’re letting me go?”
What is this?
I am annoyed. I haven’t cried yet but, I will.
I will bake this weekend that will make me feel better, right?