waking up from jaw surgery is no joke
“mild to moderate pain” my ass, it was the worst thing i’ve ever felt.
i have high pain tolerance, ive had nerve damage all that stuff.
but the first few hours when i woke from anaesthesia was worse than anything ive felt, just pure hell. it was terrible. my jaw was throbbing and painful. swallowing felt like stabbing my throat. my lips had dried blood and scabs everywhere.
i was so tired but could not sleep because every time i dozed off, i would get awoken by phlegm stuck in my throat. i couldn’t spit it out because i was numb. i was reconsidering everything, dropping thousands to feel like absolute shit. i was hoping they would just keep me on anaesthesia so i wouldn’t have to feel the pain anymore lol
i could not think, i could not even use my phone because the pain made it impossible to concentrate.
after the 4th hour, things became bearable. but holy shit i don’t know i could ever go through it again knowing how bad the pain was.
this isn’t to scare anyone but to just be transparent. i feel like surgeons and doctors don’t really prepare you for how bad it is. massive mental side to getting through it.