Is it foolish to get double jaw surgery purely for aesthetics alone?

I hate how my face looks. As a kid, I was a chronic mouth breather. Every night that I’d go to sleep, I’d mouth breathe for the entire 8 hours. Obviously I was just a kid and didn’t know any better, so I kept doing it all the way up until around high school not knowing I was destroying my face. Now, as a 21 year old male, I have no visible cheekbones, a narrow palate, chubby cheeks, a weak chin, a weak jaw, and a short face. I did have braces when I was 14, so my teeth are straight and my bite is pretty much perfect in terms of my teeth being aligned, and I also don’t really have breathing problems, so it’s not like I need djs for any medically necessary reasons or anything. How I look now is not how I’m supposed to look. My brother and dad have very attractive and masculine features, strong jaw, strong chin, visible cheekbones, and slim faces. Yet, I have an underdeveloped baby face that I hate more than anything. I was supposed to have those features as well, but I don’t because I ruined my face due to all the mouth breathing I did when I was younger. Should I do djs? I know it’s super expensive and invasive, but if it can make me happy and get rid of my insecurities, then that’s worth more than any amount of money and pain in the world. If I only live one life, I wanna live it the best way I can.