Passive-aggressive Japanese insults to look out for

Someone’s post got me thinking about the Japanese art of passive-aggressive insults 😂

I’m Japanese but grew up in the US, so when I first moved here they completely went over my head (family is from Kyoto making it worse…).

Some I used to get a lot: - “Oh that’s how they do it in America?” - “You’re so genki” (translation: stfu) - “You’ll make a great career woman” (translation: you’re never going to get married, ever) - Not using “-san” with my name (at work) despite everybody else being called something-san, or being called by my first name for absolutely no reason

Would love to hear others’ and find out if I’m being covertly insulted

EDIT: Please don’t read the comments if you’re easily offended. This was meant to be a lighthearted thread for a few laughs. Not all of these are used as insults all of the time; KY and understanding various cues is key here.