A reboot to the franchise

If Naughty Dog does ever decide to make another Jak game, I'd prefer it be a reboot to the series.

Like everyone else in this sub, I absolutely love the game series and I have a lot of fun memories playing the games. But the story is a complete mess, filled with plot holes and interesting albeit half-baked concepts and story elements.

Gol & Maia(TPL in general), being forgotten about,, Dark Jak being inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, Jak's apparent leniage to the House of Mar (or him BEING Mar), the Metal Heads being an existential threat in 2 and background noise in 3, etc.

Honestly, I don't even know what a Jak 4 would look like, going off Jak 3/X/TLF. A reboot would be the chance for them to create a richer, more coherent series of games from the original. Or take the series in a different direction, like a TPL Trilogy or something...

That's just what I'd like.