[Tutorial] Ultimate Unc0ver Jailbreak Remove + Fresh Jailbreak

Hi together,

First words:

This works 100% with Unc0ver Jailbreak but i don’t know if this works with other Jailbreaks like Checkra1n!

I will keep this tutorial updated

I know some of you may installed so many tweaks, just to look if the tweaks are working or not. You may found your favorite tweaks and deleted others. You want a fresh restart/debloat? Then you are right here! We will remove everything that comes with the jailbreak, so you can start from a fresh state. Your User Data will not be deleted, so don’t be worried about! You will need 2 extra tweaks for it (everybody should have those installed)

iCleaner Pro (You can get it for free from this repo: http://ib-soft.net/cydia)

Filza File Manager (You don’t need extra repo for this, you can find it in the bigboss repo, just search in Cydia for it). You can use iFile too if you prefer!

  1. Open ICleaner Pro and check if all those Settings are checked


  1. Start cleaning (after cleaning it should respring)
  2. Open Icleaner again Click the + Icon and go to Preference Files


  1. delete everything you can find there (you can swipe on the preference and hit delete)
  2. After that, let clean ICleaner again (like in step 1)

This step is for the hardcore perfectionist out there, including me 😅 you can skip this if you want (Continue here with step 6). This is completely safe if you just follow up the rules carefully!

  1. Open Filza
  2. Go to this file directory /var/mobile/Library/Preferences
  3. Delete every file that is NOT (!) (com.apple...) or (.GlobalPreferences.plist). You otherwise reset some settings.
  4. Open Cydia, search for Substitute (it should be installed already) and uninstall. (This will remove all your tweaks at once).
  5. After this your phone will respring

  6. Restart your phone (not respring)

  7. open Unc0ver App, hit Settings Icon

  8. Untick everything except Restore RootFS (don’t forget to scroll down)



  1. hit Done and press Restore RootFS
  2. If you have done all right you will get this notification


  1. Hit ok, your phone will be restarted
  2. After restart your Cydia + Jailbreak is removed. You can uninstall Unc0ver App too (delete only if you don’t want to jailbreak again). Your phone is like it was earlier without jailbreak
  3. Please thumb up if you liked this post, it did cost me much time to write it down for you ❤️

This chapter is for Fresh Jailbreak

  1. Open unc0ver App again
  2. Hit Settings icon and check all settings



  1. Hit Done and Jailbreak again
  2. A snapshot will be created, and your phone will restart
  3. Open Unc0ver App again and hit again Jailbreak
  4. After respring you will be Jailbreaked again
  5. Open Cydia and install all necessary Updates

Pro Tip: After you installed all necessary updates, Open Cydia and add this source:


Refresh the sources and install Applist. This will update the Rocketbootstrap. With this step, most of your tweaks will work! It is necessary

User Pro Tip Two: Install Succession from the BigBoss Repo. With that you can restore your Iphone to stock without updating. Keep in mind that this method will wipe all your user data! Its like a iTunes restore, without updating your firmware. I got this hint from the user /u/cigarello 🙏

Please thumb up if you liked this post, it did cost me much time to write it down for you ❤️