Eateries suggestion in Islamabad

EDIT: Guys, here is the list so far from the comments. If a cool place is missing, mention it in the comments, and I will add it:

ISB Eateries Suggestions

Also, I heard a new cafe has opened in F7 with an awesome aesthetic. Can anyone give me its name?

Hey everyone,

Drop your top 3 favorite eateries in Islamabad and what you love to order there!

I'll start with mine. Thinking of compiling a public spreadsheet based on the responses.


  • The Last Tribe
  • Karim’s F7
  • Jhal Chakiyan F7


  • TBC F6
  • Fuoco
  • Brim


  • Yum Chinese & Thai
  • Asian Wok


  • KAF
  • CBTL
  • Costa Coffee

Looking forward...