Desi Muslim who is VERY confused need help!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
I'm a desi muslim who is just super confused when talking with my mother, she believes in these people called "buzoork"? (Buzurk???) and I don't know what the hell this is. It feels like bid'ah because she claims these are people who are very close to god who get visions and dreams about god and how they are reliable and people of knowledge. Why are desi Muslims so weird?
I studied Islam on my own الحمدلله when I hit college and I learned so much - I don't really want to associate myself with the hanafi (also the whole you can't eat shrimp thing is weird because the Quran literally says the ocean was ment for us to eat from 5:96) and I see myself more as a salafi because it makes the most sense just believing in the Quran, sunnah, and Hadiths - simple don't complicate it. Anytime I ask my mom for written proof she says "why do you always want it as written proof? why do you need proof?" It's seriously annoying because why am I gonna believe in something that doesn't make any sense to me.
I just wanted to come here and ask if anyone know what these people are? Also she believe I have the shaytan in me for denying these people. When we went to my home country, my mom talked with one of these people, and they told her to take a piece of paper they gave her, burn it for a certain amount of days to ward off the shaytan. This is 100% bid'ah and they claim I know nothing about Islam and it's seriously frustrating. I looked at the paper and it was stuff written in Urdu and numbers and I seriously could not make out any of it. It felt wrong and I hated it with my heart so much and even broke out into a fight with her because I felt so strongly that this was bid'ah. She also claims that this buzurk nonsense said that wearing purple is good to ward off Jin and shaytan because of ultra bio rays?? Im so confused. I asked for proof and yet again she claims that we should trust these people like huh?? This feels just so extremely wrong.
Later she brought some DESI imaam who said this was fine. Am I crazy? Is somthing wrong with me? Do I seriously have a Jin possessing me?? I listen to Quran no problem and recite it on the daily so I think not. Why do they make Islam so so difficult? Islam is ment to be easy.
Edit: I forgot to mention I do follow a madhab which is shafii!! Some people got confused sorry about that!