Planning on a trip to Ireland this summer, but nervous.

Ive been to Ireland about 20 years ago. I think about the trip all the time. It's probably one of my top destinations ive been to out of about 9 European countries. My kids are now at an age range where they can appreciate a nice trip with history, beauty and culture. However we are from the East Coast of the USA. We are embarassed and ashamed of what our country is/has become/is heading towards. We are a progressive, agnostic, open minded family. Im just afraid after I open my big pie-hole while Im there and give away our country of origin, that people will be upset/annoyed at us. My wife is thinking about buying Canadian flag patches to put on our backpacks because I feel like being an American will bring us some unwanted attention. From what I remember, the Irish were so welcoming and friendly and warm to me 20 years ago. Im not trying to insinuate that isnt still true of your citizens, but given the state of politics and the threats/grief that the Orange fuckwad over here is causing to (what i still consider) our best allies, would it be better to lay low til maybe relations are mended as much as they can be? Im happy to spend my money and time anywhere but the USA right now, so even if we are looked at as a bunch of shit-head Americans (50% of us are cough cough maga) Id be contributing to your economy at least lol. If this seems over the top and irrational I apologize in advance. Im a person who is very sensitive to how others feel around me and I dont want to feel unwelcomed nor make anyone else upset. Thoughts? Am I irrational or paranoid? Also if anyone wants to watch my kids for a few hours, ill buy you a few rounds while my wife and I galavant around ;). (that was a joke)

Update: I cant thank you all enough (except the person who thought this was some kind of bait lol) for the amazing replies. I am even more excited now, not only bc of the reassurance but because of all the great pointers. Im trying to reply to every comment, if i miss yours im sorry! And I do feel like a horse's ass now for having even asked, but the welcoming comments have def made me feel better.