Trading - success stories?
For some time I was interested in investing and started to learn about it. I tried to make sense of it and I learnt that some people believe only in long-term investing and they believe that any form of short-term trading is just speculation and you're going to just lose money.
I assumed that they might be right and initially I completely ignored short-term trading during my research, but eventually I concluded that making reasonable return from long-term investing with very small capital is slow and unlikely, so it won't work in my case.
On the other hand I found traders that share their success stories and they don't approach it like "get rich quick scheme", but they provide convincing arguments and proofs that you can start with small capital like $1k and double it in few weeks, if you're patient enough to start first with paper trading and become proficient at it. It's also supposedly not as risky as I believed, if you properly manage your risks, you can live from it.
This seems extremely attractive for me, because I'm willing to spend additional few hours daily, if it means that instead of ~5-10% annual return, I would be able to actually double my capital in month or so. However there are still doubts in my head, if it's worth it to invest my time in learning it, because it feels to good to be true.
What is your experience with investing/trading? Does anyone here have some success stories with trading and can confirm that it's possible to actually regularly make so much profit from it? I'm currently leaning toward opinion that it actually might be possible, but I would like to learn your opinion on it, because probably some INTJs would be capable to actually make it work, if it's actually possible.