Internal job feedback

Looking for feedback, there is alot information so if you get through all this and give advice I thank you so much!

Background: I applied for a role outside of my job family within my company. Before I applied I actually met with the hiring manager to understand the role more and just to get a feel around if he would be open to a career pivot. After that call I realized although the department is new I can add alot of value with my past experience and skills I have. The hiring manager did tell me he was starting interviews that day (7/25).

Timeline: 7/31 - I submitted my application and forwarded to hiring manager and recruiter and I heard nothing

8/6 - I reached out via teams to the hiring manager to let him know I applied and was interested after our conversation..within 10 minutes I had an email from HR and phone interview set up for 8/7

8/7 - phone interview with HR

8/9 - interview set up with hiring manager, I loved him and thought it went well. He even told me who I would be interviewing with next and how their roles align with this open position. I felt confident and like I was being set up for success.

8/12 - early email from HR stating the hiring manager loved our conversation and wants to move forward and scheduled next interviews.

8/14 - interview with hiring managers peer, went OK. I loved the conversation but he was hard to read. I sent a thank you and pointed out how I felt I could solve some of the challenges they have. 8/15 - interview with hiring managers peer, went OK. Same thing, I loved the conversation but she was hard to read and I did the same thing as the day before sent a thank you and told her I was hopefully we could partner together to fix X issues. 8/16 - sent a quick teams message to the hiring manager to let her know I wrapped up my conversation with her peers and let him know I am even more interested after hearing the challenges and he just responded “thanks for sharing, have a great weekend”.

I know alot of these things take so much time, I just feel like things went from where I was feeling confident and being informed to maybe they are blowing me off. I know they could still be interviewing but I know from the hiring manager that interviews started over a month ago. I may be just mind - fing myself because I want this role so bad, this is truly my. opportunity to branch out into a new job family. Am I being too desperate?

Edit: I think I’m also anxious because after the first interview went so well I told my current manager and now I’m nervous I’ll have a target on my back.