Any advice for low Hunger Tolerance?

I want to do IF, but I have SUCH a low Hunger Tolerance. Like, if I'm hungry I can't focus on anything. My stomach feels like it's burning and caving in if I wait too long.

On a normal weekday, I have 2 500(ish) calorie meals with 3 200(ish) calorie snacks between 9-9. At one point in time, I was skipping my morning snack and holding out until 11 to scarf down my lunch, but as I've started exercising in the morning around 6, I'm just SO HUNGRY by 9. I sit down at my desk at work and all I can think about is eating because I'm so uncomfortable. I don't know how to move past the all-consuming need to eat. I'll drink 32 oz of water to try to starve it off but it only seems to make it worse.

Does anyone have any advice on how to up my hunger tolerance or tone down the literal hunger pangs? I really want to cut down my eating window to 1-9.

Update: made it to 10:00 today! Might be a fluke because I overslept and got up at 8:00 instead of 5:00. Didn't have time to exercise. BUT got my confidence up and I'm so excited to make it work again tomorrow!!

Thank you all for your advice ☺️ it's really put everything in perspective and I feel like I now have tools in my toolkit to actually make progress towards my goals. I'm going to learn to live with my hunger until I can get my body regulated and used to eating at a later time.