IF Weight Loss Rate
I’ve noticed some individuals experiencing significant weight loss within a month or even a week, while others, like me, see a modest 6-8 pounds loss in the same period. This disparity can be demotivating and make me feel like I’m doing something wrong. I’ve seen people posting impressive weight loss of 8 pounds in just a week! If you’re in the same boat as me, how do you stay motivated?
Additionally, I’m curious about the statistical differences in weight loss rates. For instance, what percentage of people are more likely to lose 15-20 pounds per month compared to 7-8 pounds per month, assuming all other factors remain consistent (body weight, age, CICO, etc.)? Is this an irrelevant question, or is it worth exploring? Apologies if it seems silly!
(And yes, this post was cleaned up using AI to communicate my thoughts more clearly 😊)