New Community forming in rural Southside Virginia
Hey everyone. I am not a full member, just in the process of joining myself. I'm posting this to hopefully connect to likeminded people who may be interested, as I know they're looking for people rn and I'd like to see it do well.
I've met up with the founder, Peter, a few times. He's seems like a nice chill guy, left-leaning and values nature/the environment, which is reflected in the community's focus. Peter and the rest of the founding members are burning man attendees and I guess would best be described as 'successful hippies', from what it seems to me. Most of them live elsewhere and it's only one or two people on or near the land right now.
We are a cooperative land stewardship group that is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of the land while creating a vibrant and inclusive community where we can grow, learn, live, play, and thrive together. As land stewards, we are responsible for the care and management of the land, including preserving natural resources, promoting sustainable practices, and protecting the environment. Our goal is to break down class barriers, support one another, and have a positive impact on our communities.
They have 200 acres with a river and trees. There are plans for a food forest, natural buildings, camping spots, etc. The community structure is centered around "Sociocracy", which is based around breaking into task focused groups with a consensus democracy rather than majority voting.
We use the governance model of sociocracy to make decisions as a group, which emphasizes collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement. In sociocracy, decision-making is decentralized and power is distributed among various circles within the organization. Each circle is responsible for a specific area of the organization's work and has the authority to make decisions within its scope of responsibility. Circles also have the ability to delegate decision-making to sub-circles or individuals as needed. Decisions in a sociocracy are made using a consent-based process, in which decisions are made only if there are no reasoned and articulate objections from members. This helps to ensure that all members are heard and that decisions reflect the will of the group as a whole.
Sociocracy is a theory of governance that seeks to create psychologically safe environments and productive organizations. It draws on the use of consent, rather than majority voting, in discussion and decision-making by people who have a shared goal or work process.
The cost for full membership (where you can vote on community topics) is flexible, around $200 a month. You can be a partial/interested member for free. There's a breakdown of membership and sociocracy and how it works on their website, this is just my cliff notes.
Thanks to anyone taking the time to read this, feel free to reach out to me or better yet Peter on the website!