Never had insomnia in my life until Ciprofloxacin

Anyone else on this thread suffering from Insomnia as a result of a antibiotic drug they were prescribed. It was 8 months ago already since I took Cipro for a unknown urinary infection. I haven't slept right since then. I go to bed around 10 and wake up at 1 am every night. The only thing that puts me to sleep after that is Ativan (lorazepam). I know I've been on it too long because I now need it every night. Did you all eventually heal ? Did you see a Neurologist. I'm trying to figure a solution to my problem. I'm so tired and traumatized. I used to sleep like a baby before this Cipro did me in.... Any thoughts. Please respond onlys if you are also suffering from Insomnia as a result of a drug you were prescribed as I know many of you are lifelong insomniacs on this page. But I'm more interested in people that damaged their sleep from an antibiotic or drug. Thank you in advance for any help