INFJs- does social media drain you?

Share your experience! Do you think humanity is doomed to endless scrolling and fake reel life?

I’ll share mine-

I love social media, it lets me socialize without really socializing and eventually my profile reached 15k followers. But it has been extremely draining and I just stopped. Remember how trends would last months and now they don’t even last a week? everyone’s attention span has hit 0 and all we care about is views aka dopamine hits!

Genuinely creative creators spend days making their content- and there are people who quickly copy original content and start competing because everyone wants to stay relevant now! It’s not about your individual journey anymore.

The not-genuine ones are constantly chasing brands asking for free stuff. Those influencers i know don’t even care about the environment, they don’t even dispose their garbage properly but talk big on sustainability and environment on social media and i go like bro what?

Before social media convinced us to normalize buying new cosmetics, clothes every week- people actually saved money and enjoyed the process of getting the things they want. Now we just chase brands for freebies! People don’t save money to really plan that vacation to really enjoy or calm their soul- they go there to replicate someone else’s viral insta-worthy shot. How unfulfilling that is!

I have seen influencers get angry throughout our vacation as the sky was overcast and they couldn’t copy someone’s insta-worthy shot on the mountain. I insisted that we forget it and enjoy the rain with us and I guess seeing us enjoy made them angrier lol.

Let’s not even talk about how social media has caused people to develop more insecurities, be it their bodies, minds, travel, clothes, anything.