Any other male INFJs who slowly or simply get rejected by girls for being boring or sensitive?
INFJ 18m here, and I wouldn’t say that I’m ugly, and that it is the biggest reason for getting rejected. Since girls have shown interest in me, but more by my looks than by my actual personality.
I’m not trying to be arrogant or rude here (and I apologize up ahead if this really sounds ignorant or a bit toxic), but I’m just generally seeing that INFJ man are seen as unattractive (to most women at least) simply for being sensitive, very feeling and generally non-masculine (although INFJ can definitely be masculine, just a bit in of a unique way). While (mostly, but not all) woman are always portrayed as caring, joyful, empathetic and really warm partners to have. Which makes the „supposed” golden pair of INFJ; INFJ x ENTP more sense, when the male is the ENTP and the female is INFJ. Since that’s what stereotypically is associated with gender roles. The ENTP is more open, talkative, confrontational and confident. While the INFJ is warm, sensitive, highly empathetic and supportive of others wellbeing. It feels really awkward to be with ENTP girls, since they usually really like energetic, confident and open men around them. (Had a ENTP girl who had a crush on me, but after finding out my personality it quickly changed into small disinterest- not because of looks, but the way I am).
Many memes on the internet also portray male friend groups as crazy, vulgar, loud and aggressive (which is mostly true lol). But I never really fitted that way. I do in fact like teasing my friends or them making fun of me (to a certain extent, because I don’t like overdoing it). However, I never liked friendships where friends insult or vulgarly provoke one another every few seconds.
Whenever I meet a girl (wether online or irl). It always starts pretty well. With teasing, joking and a friendly tone. Since adapting to people was always something natural. Simply because making the other person feel comfortable has always felt like a good action - while also ensuring that the other person can feel more happy and comfortable. But once my extroversion batteries run out, it becomes really bland. With me trying to be a bit less goofy and more serious. Which makes the person on the other hand disinterested.
In my country (Poland - who I will always love and be proud of being a citizen off) being a dude with a sensitive and feeling personality, has always been difficult. Since everyone (especially elderly woman and other guys) expect you to be strong, confident and to „stop being a coward”. I will always sacrifice myself for my family, friends and my country when it’s needed. Since I highly appreciate the people who sacrifice themselves for making me simply have a enjoyable life. I’m not trying to be a coward and I never want to be, but I simply have difficulties with trying to be a extroverted and confident man. Which just makes it difficult for finding people who feel the same, or especially a girl who would appreciate me for being that way.
If anyone read this, I highly thank you. And would love to hear your experiences about these kind of topics. I also wrote more than I planned on doing lol.