AMA Bekerja di Luar Negeri - Australia
Hi all, as mentioned by u/le_demonic_bunny, we're creating this thread to answer your questions around Australia.
Please find the hosts background below and ASK US ANYTHING! Hope everyone can enjoy the AMA and learn something new today 😊
Background Info u/cinakampung
Hey guys long time lurker here in this subreddit, first time AMA so I do apologise if it ain’t as good as the others.
Some background info about me u/cinakampung, born and raised in Indo and moved here when I finished high school (science stream/major) in Indonesia. Came to Australia as a student and went to a Group of 8 uni, partied my way through uni, earned my bachelors in InfoTech (Sarjana Ilmu Komputer) and have worked professionally as an IT consultant ever since I graduated. I have 6 years of experience and I’m a Manager equivalent (aiming for a promotion in the next Financial Year) worked on projects for Australian and Thailand customers in a wide array of industries notably health insurance, agriculture, government, health, manufacturing and law. Currently based in Melbourne. We do have an offshore centre in the Philippines and I do work a lot with them, growing up in Indonesia has helped me a lot to understand them and being able to get the best out of my team.
I've gone through multiple visas before getting my PR, started with a student visa (subclass 573), then a temporary graduate visa (485), then a company sponsored work visa (482) and finally a work sponsored permanent residence (186).
I have insights on the white collar working environment in Aus, white collar career progression, pathways to PR, IT and consulting industry in Aus, tertiary education in Aus, living cost and conditions and I suppose pretty much almost everything that you can think of about living and working in Australia I can provide some insights.
Why can I provide those insights? Well I've lived here for over 10 years, and have spoke to a number of people with different backgrounds from your typical chindo international student with millionaire parents, chindos that moved here in 98, locals from a variety of background, other migrants etc. I did a ton of research on PR pathways before my firm decided to sponsor me, talking to different agents and lawyers. Lastly well, I like money so anything that has to do with my career progression I'll do a ton of research and talk to others to gain their insights.
I did regret not being all in from the start, I was in between going back to Indo and staying here. If I could go back in time, I'd spend more time getting to know more locals through uni clubs and expanding my network as much as I can from the beginning, I am very much lucky and privileged I know for sure that the path that I went through is not going to be the same for others.
Fun fact about me, I got rejected from "big techs" in Indo so I thought might as well try my luck here in Aus.
Background Info u/verr998
Hi guys, salam kenal, maybe beberapa ada yang dah kenal, me u/verr998 dan sekarang tinggal di Queensland, Australia. Masih baru banget di Australia, baru 5 bulan ini. Sebelumnya pernah kesini pake visitor visa 600 untuk liburan dan ya suka sama ini negara, terus tahun berikutnya datang lagi pakai WHV 462 biar bisa stay longer and kerja, jadi ya jalur termurah untuk bisa kerja di Australia. Background pendidikan, S1 di PTN Indonesia dan gk ada background tech. Sekarang kerja di manufaktur makanan sebagai process worker. Jadi Kerja di Australia ya yang penting kerja sebab di indo karir dah berantakan dan tekanan sosial makin gede setelah gw openly atheist.
So, buat kalian yang mau nanya seputar WHV, hidup di Australia dan kerja as a WHV holder boleh banget ditanyain. Apalagi yang ngerasa gk punya skill khusus dan gk punya duit banyak. Dan WHV ini kan yang paling digembor-gemborin di sosmed, trust me kenyataannya gk seperti itu dan gk seenak itu. Tapi emang seenggaknya a good opportunity buat kabur dari Indonesia. So yeah, feel free to ask me anything. Thank you.
Background Info u/JoeDinard
Halo, saya whv angkatan pre-influencer (2016). Zaman itu blom model wa grup janjian berangkat / war sduwhv, jadi cm modal nekad plus informasi dr random blog sana sini.
Dari awal Juni 2016 sampe sekarang cm stay di 1 kota, Darwin Northern Territory.
2016-2018 WHV, kerja mainly di hospitality sector. Housekeeping sebentar, sekitar 2 bulan, sisanya cuci piring di segala macem restoran (mining camp, dominos pizza, Cafe, etc).
2018-2021 lanjut student s1 di Charles Darwin University, jurusan Humanitarian and Community Studies / ilmu sosial. Krn darwin sendiri kota kecil, jadi dg modal kuliah 1 bulan bs secure job yg related sama sekolah. Awalnya kerja di youth sector, bantuin ngerawat anak2 yg "diasuh pemerintah" krn satu dan lain hal. Pindah ke mental health sector sejak 2020 dan masih di sini smp sekarang.
2022 apply PR 190 State Sponsorship, dan granted dlm waktu 2 bulan.
Darwin itu jauh lebih kecil dan overall ketinggalan di segala sektor dibandingin kota2 lain macem Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth etc. Jadi orangnya dan gaya hidupnya relatif pada nyantai n slow, the way I like it :). Di 6 bulan terakhir, uda ga kerja full time lg krn buka usaha sampingan sbg gardener a.k.a tukang kebon dg harapan ga perlu ikut orang terus. Tp jadinya malah kerja rodi, 3 hari kerja di kantor 4 hari keliling motongin rumput klien.
Feel free to ask, happy to help if I can.
Background Info u/reddit-asuk
Halo. Saya reddit-asuk atau user name lama saya : tanahtanah
Saya sudah 22 tahun di australia dan masih aktif bekerja di Australia.
Saya memakai jalur karena lahir di australia, dan mendapatkan Australian citizenship waktu umur 18 tahun. Saya besar di Indonesia sampai SMA dan kemudian sempat kuliah 2 bulan di Indonesia, dan akhirnya pindah ke Australia.
Memang bukan jalur yang biasa dan jalur yang sudah tertutup, tapi di sisi lain saya memulai dari bawah. Saya mengulang high school kembali karena foundation/uni prep terlalu mahal untuk saya, kerja cuci piring, tinggal dengan 12 orang di 2-bedroom apartment, bikin usaha house cleaning. Akhirnya kuliah elektro dan kemudian ambil master ilmu komputer. Sekarang kerja programmer di suatu bank di Australia
Saya tahu banyak tentang WHV, partner visa, student visa, potensi pekerjaan atau bidang untuk jadi PR, pekerjaan2 kasar, pekerjaan formal professional, bermacam2 jalur untuk tinggal dan bekerja di Australia, dan apakah worth it pindah ke Australia relatif dengan situasi penanya skrg di Indonesia.