[DISCUSSION] What are the "best"/S-tier indie venues or clubs around the US/world?

was thinking about this today. if you had the opportunity to travel anywhere for a show, what comes to mind? what are some venues that are "3 Michelin star", i.e. worth a bucket list visit. dont just give me your city's best - I'm looking for some combination of storied past, a milestone for lots of bands, great room, etc.

there are 2 styles of venues in my opinion: the big ones (red rocks, Hollywood Bowl, etc) and clubs (Orange Peel, Schuba's). I'm more interested in clubs, but have to give credit to the big boys.

I can only speak to some places I've been but can also guess as to others:

Bigger venues:

  • Red Rocks

  • The Gorge in Washington (haven't been here actually but I think so?)

  • Ryman in Nashville (honestly meh)

  • Hollywood Bowl


  • Orange Peel in Asheville

  • NYC - don't actually live here but probably a few right? Bowery perhaps?

  • Schuba's in Chicago

  • Paradiso in Amsterdam feels iconic?

  • 930 club in DC

  • Nuemos in Seattle

  • Mohawk in Austin

  • Cats Cradle in NC

  • The Earl in Atlanta

have some blindspots in NYC, LA, etc. what else?