New indie rock book from Stereogum editor

Hey all, this is Chris DeVille from Stereogum. Not sure the policy on self-promo around here, but this one is pretty indieheads-relevant. I announced today that my debut book is up for pre-order. It's called SUCH GREAT HEIGHTS: The Complete Cultural History of the Indie Rock Explosion. My original tagline for it was "How Indie Rock Went Pop." It's basically a look at how the public-facing version of indie has evolved and impacted pop culture in the 21st century — how indie rock changed the mainstream and how the mainstream changed indie rock, what the glow-up of 2000s indie wrought in the 2010s, things of that nature.

This is the pre-order link:

This is the Stereogum post where I explain what the book is about:

This is the Substack where I'll be posting updates and bonus content from the book:

OK, thanks for reading this. And if I'm not supposed to post self-promo, sorry about that! Delete, delete!