[SHOW IH] I Create Randomizers
Hi, I create randomizers for Android. I have an intense interest in randomness. And this has led me to create over 5+ randomizer apps and counting.
Why randomizers?
I believe randomness has incredible potential to make the world better.
I'm not alone. Many books have covered randomness.
Here are a few:
A Perfect Mess by Eric Abrahamson
Reveals how our obsession with order can actually hold us back
AntiFragile by Nicholas Taleb (Pretty much any Nicholas Taleb book)
How we can use randomness to our advantage and thrive
Messy by Tim Harford
Similar to A Perfect Mess, but provides some more varied and interesting contexts
The Serendipity Mindset by Christian Busch
Offers a science based approach to increasing randomness and serendipity that can come from it.
While you can read these books, you don't have to in order to start using the randomizers below.
Experience the power of randomness for yourself.
All apps are free to download.
Random Video - The ultimate YouTube randomizer
Image Picker - The first image-based randomizer
Random Lists - The best 'Things to Do' randomizer
Remind - Surprise yourself with random reminders