My five year struggle to finally build a profitable SaaS - No, I wont promote!
If you start a business, there will be a bit of a struggle. Probably multiple years of struggle. Here is how that looked for me:
I'm 29/yo now and started dabbling into startups five years ago when me and my best friends decided we wanted to build a startup. Our idea: To connect students (cause we were students) with companies for internships. No experience. No market validation. No product. No nothing.
We struggled but at least we started. There was no way back. We got ourselves on the founder track. The year was 2020.
Here is what followed in the next five years:
2020: Launched internship website in October 2019. Went fulltime in 2020. Got a little grant (30K) to get us going. Covid hit. No one was hiring interns. Got our first 10 customers after 6 months. Lived off $1500/mo.
2021: Struggled. Few months without salary. Luckily was still living at home. One co-founder left in August. Decided to give it one more shot for six months.
2022: Reached 100 customers. Moved to Amsterdam. Increased salaries to $2000/mo. Got stuck again. Business was taking a toll on me. Started meeting other founders for support and vibes.
2023: Decided to move on from the business. Met Adriaan from Simple Analytics. He liked what I did in my previous business. Asked to partner up. I became late co-founder in Simple Analytics.
2024: We got an office. Invited other interesting people to the office. Met Dries. He was working on UniFi hosting. Adriaan and I showed him what we did for Simple Analytics. He asked to partner up. I became co-founder of UniHosted.
2025: I now run two profitable and growing SaaS businesses. Simple Analytics is doing 37K MRR and UniHosted is doing 7K MRR.
This is a very very short recap of the last years. There is more to it, but I wanted to point out that I now run two profitable SaaS businesses because I got started.
So yes you'll probably struggle, but you'll get there. Just make sure you start!
I wrote some thoughts about how to get started in this article. Don't know if I can link, but we'll see how it goes: