Need suggestions for villa or flat projects in Bangalore for 6 Cr budget

Hi everyone,

I am planning to buy 4 bedroom flat/villa and started looking few apartment projects from reputed builders around Whitefield area but the price is 4.5 Cr+ for an under construction flat which seems really inflated. We saw few villa/row house projects from tier1 builders as well but we did not like the layout.

My criteria is 1) 2000+ sq ft carpet area 2) Commute < 45 minutes (Office in mahadevapura) I currently go early around 7AM to avoid traffic. I am fine to continue go early and return early. 3) Budget 5-6Cr 4) Malls or entertainment should be 30-45 mins max.

My questions are 1) Is it really worth buying a flat for 4Cr+? Location is Whitefield around Hope farm junction. 2) Are there other areas we should look into? 3) Currently we are only considering tier 1 builders. Should I also consider other tier 2 builders like Assetz, SBR, Nambiyar etc Because it is a huge money I am afraid to consider these non tier1 builders.

Thanks for your inputs 🙏🏻