How My Ex-Girlfriend Surprised Me with the Ultimate Gift
My girlfriend (23) and I (23) had been dating for a good year and a half before deciding to split up and go our separate ways.
We were best friends before dating and still remain good friends to this day (this is important to note). A month after splitting up came my birthday. Knowing how much of an engine-head I am and having just bought the Himalayan 450 (which is an absolute beast of a machine), she chose to gift me the best gift of all - a Powerage exhaust system with a bend pipe, costing over 14,000/.
She doesn't come from a wealthy background, and neither does she earn a lot at her current job. It's fair to say that the price she paid for the exhaust took up more than half of what she earns.
It's moments like these that remind me how special people are and how lucky I am to have someone like her in my life. Thoughts?
P. S. I have yet not taken a good video of my exhaust, and the one that l've posted here is just something I took to send someone. It doesn't do justice to how it actually sounds. Not one bit. But here it is regardless.