Anyone done an Ascension St Vincent Heart Scan?


I'm a pretty in shape 36 y.o. male. My grandfather died at a relatively young age due to a heart attack even though he seemed pretty healthy for the time, so I've always been the teeniest concerned on my heart health. Well, I just learned about HEART SCANS! Weee!!

I learned about them from older coworkers who've gotten up in age and do the heart scans because their GP recommended it. Well, I don't want to wait til the age of "OK go get a heart scan"....I just want one now. I have a few questions and was wondering if anyone can shed some light on this.

-I went to the Ascension website and signed up for a heart scan myself. The prompt asked me "who referred you" and I just gave a bologna "Dr MeMyselfandI" answer. My concern is that the hospital will be like, "Oh you need to be referred! We won't let you do it!" I'm hoping that's not the case, but wondering if maybe an employee or just someone who's done it before can shed some light on the check-in process.

-I already got an email estimate of "Ok it will be around $100 with insurance". Anyone know if they will screw me over on this? I'm always weary of medical billing and such and I can see insurance be like "Oh YoU hAvE nO pReExiStinG ConDITions YoU PaY FuLL PriCEEEE!" Anyone have any idea if I will run into this if I'm 36 y.o & healthy? I just hate how nebulous pricing on medical services + insurance is.....

-Also, do you get results right there? Or is it sent to your GP and you're not able to walk away with the scans/results. I'm really hoping I can just get results same day and walk out and discuss with my GP at a later time, but also don't know if they'll be like "NoOoOO ThiS NeeDs to Go To MeDICaL ExpErt!!!!"

Any info is 'preciated!

