Am I the only girl who thinks that Indian parents are somehow HELICOPTER PARENTS and UNINVOLVED PARENTS at the same time?


TL;DR: Indian parents HELICOPTER-PARENT everything from internet usage to marriage but when the time comes for emotional support, they become UNINVOLVED PARENTS.

I'm not a psychologist or psychology student by any means and whatever I'm going to write down now is out of my own observation and analysis. Kindly bear with me and correct me if I'm wrong somewhere.

Okay, so, I know that the terms "Helicopter Parent" and "Uninvolved Parents" are polar opposites but if you're an Indian girl like me (or even a boy or non-binary kid, for that matter), please tell me whether you have noticed this slightly disturbing pattern among Indian parents and parental figures or not (Also, if you're a non-Indian Desi person or from another culture altogether, kindly let me know if the same is true in your case or not):

They are HELICOPTER PARENTS in the sense that they monitor your media consumption and internet usage (well into early adulthood, of course), impose a very early curfew (which extends till late evening, not even into the night), censor the peers you socialise with (a handful of conventionally "good" girls from the same socio-economic background, no male friends or a boyfriend and definitely not a same-sex partner) and strictly regulate your studies and extra-curriculars and even the career you pursue ("Beta, you have the option of only scoring 90 or above out of 100 in exams and you can only become a doctor, engineer, CA, MBA-holder or civil service officer" /s, basically your typical TIGER PARENTING things). Hell, they will probably continue to helicopter-parent you until they finally marry you off to a similarly-aged boy of their choosing, not your's.

Okay, coming to the next part now: "UNINVOLVED PARENTING". I think you can assume where I'm going to go now. They do not care about your emotional and mental needs. They do not care if you need the assistance of a professional psycho-therapist because, to them, only "crazy" people suffering from psychotic mental disorders need them. For Indian parents, depression, anxiety etc. do not exist; they are all a manifestation of your bad mindset and an overexposure to Western stuff because of "using the damn phone too much" and because the medical community has created an elaborate scam of making more money by trapping a naive and young clientele like you by promoting mental health. If you are visibly upset and quiet and on being egged on by them to share your troubles, you talk about stuff like break-ups or the possibility that you need psychological help or that you're confused about your sexuality/gender, they'll criticise you like no other. For them, their teen/YA kids can only be sad due to quarrels with same-sex friends (and not regarding boy troubles, at that), death/injury/illness or else bad performance in exams, co-curriculars or their jobs. Furthermore, they think their kids are too naive to identify as queer or have different religio-political opinions. Most Indian parental figures I know are either right-wing or apolitical. They are also emotionally uninvolved in the sense that if their kids have emotional boundaries, they don't respect them; like, for example, if they want to maintain mental distance from certain toxic relatives they don't like due to valid reasons, at family gatherings or whatever. Okay, so that's it. What I mean to say, in short, is that these people are EMOTIONALLY UNINVOLVED. To them, if you have adequate food, accommodation and access to good education, you are privileged enough and cannot demand anything else, like, um, you know, mental health and emotional support. /s

Okay, rant over.

In case you have read till the end, thanks for reading such a long post.

EDIT 1: Please forgive grammatical or formatting errors, if any. You see, I'm typing on a phone.

EDIT 2: Thank you so much for the awards, kind strangers! Thank you everyone else for the upvotes, too.

EDIT 3: Seeing all these comments about people finding my post relatable, fills my heart! I'm sorry that I'm not able to reply to each and everyone of you much as I wish I could, so here's sending a lot of virtual love and encouragement to you. Wait and see, I'm sure we will get through this eventually!