Please break my illusion
So, yesterday I attended the scam call for timepass. It was kind of good one so I kept going. She was selling oppo phone which is originally priced at 20k but she was selling me in 6k because I won the lucky draw from the company. She would have sent me by post through company and for that, I needed to give her post details and needed to pay only while getting delivery.
I thought it was kind of creative as there is no online payment involved in a first call so she technically was trying to groom me to get me in trap. Anyway, just to know whole process, I kept going and when she asked for details, I gave every detail false and convincing one. She asked for adress I live in. I gave a adress from some other districts atleast 100 km away from my address. It included pin code, city name, land mark, my name, my father's name, post office, father's profession,etc. But... When I gave post office, she corrected me that post office I'm telling her is not in options and gave me some name which was near my adress. THOSE POST OFFICES WAS NEAR MY REAL ADRESS. I did never gave her those addresses.
I understood that instead of my phone number, it was my adhar card which they hold access of.
I had false sense of security that they won't know about my real identity but I was hell so wrong.
So, guys. I have another maybe false sense of security that it's safe on reddit too and no one can get to know about me. But I would be glad to know the extremes. I would like to know how safe is animosity is in real.
Please go on guys and show me how much info you did get about me. I just wanna see the end of spectrum