Where are we as a nation heading at?


There has been a never ending debate over the recent IGT case. But what is shocking about it is that people are even justifying the vulgar content we have over yt in name of humour. Moreover people are justifying the existence of pornography and comparing it to the same🤦🏻‍♂️.

These same individuals are either in their teenage or 20s.

I'm completely against the availability of such content freeling over a platform which is widely used by every kid in the nation. Even so the content should not exist in the first place. And if I'm wrong please tell me HOW?

I've been a sportsman at my school and I visit badminton courts and cricket grounds on a regular basis, so I've frequent interactions with my juniors as well so Ik what they kind of content they are seeing, morover I observe my brother.

I've interactions with my seniors at office(I'm a 20yo CA Article) as well, I've been involved in dealing with miltiple MNCs as well. So when I be around elderly people aswell (most importantly knowledable elderly). So afterall this I felt that we as teenagers are heading to a wrong direction, with not only consuming the content but morover justifying the existence of it.