Suggestion on how to setup my pictures and sharing among family
So I have a large amount of pictures that I want to share between me and the wife. They currently live in a folder structure typically of YEAR/MONTH/DAY/Album name sometimes, other times just the date, and sometimes a different format. It's over 20 years worth of digital pictures and some scans. We both have iphones and icloud accounts that have 100s of gigabytes worth of pics as well.
I have been playing with Immich now for about a year and I have finally decided it is time to start using it with the tags and folders being implemented.
I am looking for suggestions on how to set it all up. I have a couple of ideas in my head.
1a) Create just a family account and either use an external library to maintain current folder names so that we can create Albums that we want from existing folders etc and let both of our phones upload to it (she has a lot of pics I care about, and a lot I don't and vice versa)
1b) Same family account etc, but have Immich GO upload our current library and create albums as they upload.
2) Create separate accounts for both of us and just use partner sharing. Maybe a family account here for family pics too. I could write a python script to share all albums amongst ourselves. Only problem is that the smart AI search function wouldn't work for both of us on all pictures since it isn't shared.
Any ideas?