Jumping with joy

Nobody in my life gets nearly as excited as I need them to be when I tell them I’ve had regular poops so I’m turning to here for some celebration lol. I’ve had IBS-C for a very long time, but has gotten worse as I’ve gotten older/gone through a pretty bad ED/food poisoning etc etc. The past 6 months I decided once and for all to finally get my self under control and put some serious focus into my health, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

I’m definitely not cured by any means but I’ve been doing a lot of yoga that focuses on core strength which I think might’ve been giving me some of the benefits of pelvic floor therapy?? Also finally figured out my triggers but still have flare ups with stress, getting too confident about a certain food, all the other unknowns. Today was the first time I can remember IN YEARS where I haven’t had to strain at all, no stool softeners, abdominal massage, etc. and no incomplete feeling!!!! I know it’s only one day but I’m all about celebrating small victories!! Feels rewarding after so much focus on my health these past months

Hopefully this can encourage even one person going through the tedious process of elimination, reintroducing, random flare ups, etc. I have high hopes for us all!