Struggling with constipation during first trimester of pregnancy
Hi everyone, I’m currently pregnant and in my first trimester, and I've been dealing with IBS-C for over two weeks now. It’s been really tough, and no matter what I try—eating a balanced diet, drinking lots of water, using seeds, or taking the lactulose-based syrup Portalak—nothing seems to help. In fact, the syrup gave me terrible gas.
Tomorrow, I’m seeing a gastroenterologist, but I’d love to hear if anyone has experienced something similar. This issue is really affecting my mood, and I feel constantly bloated. It’s as if I need to go, but nothing comes out, or when it does, it’s in small balls. Everyone are trying to calm me down by saying that my body just need time to adjust due to pregnancy, but I’m honestly getting worried about how this could affect mine and baby's health if it doesn’t get better soon.
Has anyone gone through this during pregnancy? What did help you to overcome this? I'm running out of ideas. Any advice or experiences would be so appreciated. Thank you so much!