Activated charcoal nightmare
I did something stupid. I am getting over a cold, so took some Nyquil to help me sleep around 11:30pm. Well…I accidentally took twice the amount I was supposed to and started feeling really weird 😅so, stupidly, I took 2 activated charcoal tablets to try to absorb the NyQuil in my stomach so that I was able to go to sleep without feeling lightheaded and weird. Bad bad idea. It is now 4:03am and I have been non-stop pooping for the past 3 hours. Every 10-15 minutes I am running to the bathroom. It is awful. So just a PSA: do NOT mix NyQuil and activated charcoal unless you want to be up all night pooping yourself! I should’ve known better but I actually think that NyQuil made me high, so I was not in the right mindset😭