The "who's at fault" / "Should I protest" rant
Look, maybe its just me, and maybe I'm just a little bitter about it, but I find that pretty much every post relating to this subject is so easily identifiable with who's at fault. Whether it be the OP, the person they were racing with, or both of them going for the same bit of race track and having it just be a racing deal. If you have eyes and aren't totally stoned or drunk, its incredibly simple to see who is at fault, and whether it seemed malicious or not. Same goes with having to protest someone. Sometimes shit happens. You may send it in a little too deep and turn a dude by accident, or maybe you throw a risky block at a super-speedway and turn yourself and take half the field with you. We've all done it. But it seems like everyone is so quick to hop on the "should I try and get this man banned" bandwagon and it seems like the whole service is just full of negativity.
Alright, my little rant is done. if you wanna talk more. please PM me, ima go drink another twisted tea and watch some Mooncar. Rock on yall