iPhone 13 mini still worth it 2025?
I currently own a 12 mini which I've had since launch and it's hands down my favourite phone because of its size.
I am only looking to get a new phone now because I'll be travelling overseas for 2 weeks in May and my battery isn't the best, I have to keep charging it multiple times a day and keep a powerbank on me. Currently at 84% battery health and IMO it's not worth paying $150 for a new battery, I'd rather just get a new phone.
There is currently an iPhone 13 mini on marketplace with 100% battery like new for $550 AUD. Really tempting to get it but from my understanding it will only be supported until 2028?
I don't want to have to change to another phone for a while but i don't like any of the other iPhones available and seriously considering switching to an s25 which is better value for money.
Update: Man this was a tough decision but I've decided to just go with the Galaxy S25 for a couple of reasons: - I am not that deep in the Apple ecosystem other than owning a Macbook Air M1 so I don't mind switching to Android. The iPhone 12 mini was also my first iPhone, other phones i've owned previously were Android. - It is very unlikely that another phone like the mini will come out and we will eventually have to get used to bigger phones, might as well just move on and get a proper upgrade. - Going through the subreddit I see a mix of people saying their mini works fine with latest updates and some saying they are experiencing issues so it still seems a bit risky to me. I am not that confident in how it will be able to handle future updates that will demand more power. - Although I am used to it at this point, it's kind of tiring to worry about my phone battery all day, having to charge it multiple times a day and carry a power bank. - If I decide to sell my S25 in the future, it will have much better resale value compared to the 13 mini which will probably be at the end of its support.