Am I (ftm) doing something wrong?
Hi everyone, I got my surgery on the 10th, so I'm 2dpo. First day I had bleeding as expected. I was moving around just fine, walking, going to the bathroom, supporting myself on my forearm to get up from couch, bed. Gassy. Very minimal pain. 2nd day, i feel so crummy. I finally had a bowel movement after taking miralax in the morning and have had to go several times since then. Still very gassy. I've stayed in bed most of the day because going to the bathroom sapped my energy.
Here's my worry. I'm very tense internally because of gas/urges to go to the bathroom. I've tripped a few times over the stool I use to go to the bathroom, though have never fallen. I feel like I'm clenching bc I'm afraid to relax and possibly poop on myself or damage anything.
My doctor also has me inserting local estrogen down there twice a day which HURTS and causes me to bleed a bit. I can't tell how far I'm going because I can't feel anything, so I can't feel any resistance.
I tripped just now on the stool and eased myself onto the toilet seat, when I wiped I saw more blood than usual.
:( can someone please give any advice or ease my worries.
No external incisions. Just internal.