Be very real with me

I am considering a hysterectomy. Not only do I have excruciating pain during my period (which likes to last up to almost two goddamn weeks sometimes), I also have massive cramps after an orgasm and cannot enjoy sex due to my partner knocking on my cervix and making me bleed. Every. Single. Time.

I've already had my cervix frozen, which helped for maybe four weeks? Then everything started again. Because of the above mentioned reasons, we haven't had sex in a good couple of months (which I hate, and he hates, and I don't want to continue like this).

My uterus is rude. It needs to go.

Because of so much information, I'd like some personal opinions from the people who've had this procedure: What was the worst part for you? What happened that the doctors didn't tell you? Did you have a full hysterectomy, kept the ovaries, what's your situation (and why this decision)? Do you regret it?

Please enlighten me on everything I can expect. Positive and negative. Thank you!