3dpo, urinary advice?

I had surgery Monday 3/3, fully vaginal hysterectomy and bladder sling. I’m still having issues urinating from a swollen urethra. My doctor and hospital is about an hour away so I ended up going to my local ER for a foley last night. Had right at 1000cc/mL of urine drained. They left the foley in and sent me home with a leg bag. How long has the swelling and difficulty voiding lasted for others?

Also came down with a sinus infection while still in the hospital, so coughing/fever in combination with all of this is fucking terrible. I’m completely miserable!

Aside from all of that, I have virtually no pain when nothing else is going on so I can only imagine that recovery would’ve been smooth if my body didn’t completely hate me and seem hell-bent on making me miserable 🙃