Fibroids with no symptoms and hysto - thoughts?

I will try to make this brief, and on mobile so apologize for formatting.

  • 34 y/o, never wanted kids and neither does husband (together 12 years, married 8)
  • on birth control pills regularly for 15+ years
  • went in for normal pap in Jan 2025 and was found to have enlarged uterus. Had a TV US and they found 4 fibroids (8, 7, 5, and 5cm)
  • had consult yesterday and GYN MD said full hysto (well, keeping ovaries) is necessary. Due to size and quantity of fibroids, hysto will be open abdominal (I have bypassed vaginal and laparoscopic options) requiring two surgeons and hospital stay
  • I have NO symptoms and the MD/team are shocked. I think the worst symptom I have is I pee a lot and can’t pee with a tampon in. No pain. Normal periods. I use light/regular tampons and change them 2-3x a day as normal, no extra bleeding.
  • currently waiting for insurance pre-auth then will schedule

I guess what I’m looking for is validation this is the right move. My gyno said it is and I need to do it sooner rather than later. I do trust her. I have no problem not having a uterus, but this is a BIG surgery and even with insurance, probably looking at $3k out of pocket. Anyone have any thoughts / similarities?