Dr wants me to have hysterectomy for large fibroids but I have no symptoms - no idea if I should or not?
Looking for advice here I think. I have two large fibroids (one I know is 12cm not sure the other one). Basically one is the size of a large grapefruit and the other a tennis ball, then lots of little ones. But stomach always looks bloated and I hate that (I basically look slightly pregnant), but other then that, I have absolutely no symptoms. No pain, no discomfort, nothing. My periods aren’t too bad either.
My gyno keeps insisting I need to have a hysterectomy, removing everything but the ovaries. Obviously it’s a major surgery and this really scares me. But I have no idea whether to get it done or not. My fibroids don’t bother me but I guess there is the chance they will in the future.
Any advice here? Was anyone in the same boat? I know there is a chance also that the fibroids will get bigger - I just hate the thought of surgery when I don’t feel any pain etc.