35 w/2 huge fibroids seriously considering hysterectomy, got questions about life w/o uterus
so im 35 and i’ve never been interested in kids so since my teens id been looking at options for sterilization, for the longest time i leaned towards tubal ligation since it seems less complicated overall and a better sell to docs that were hesitant and tbh after my mom had a hysterectomy (ovaries and all) she had tons of issues with that and the menopause so i was all set for the tubal ligation but about two years ago, my doc saw two fibroids but said that its common for my age and my iud might help. fast foward a year i removed the iud to get on the pill and she noticed they were bigger, 10cm and 8cm respectively and said we’d do another ultrasound six months out to see where they were at. I started noticing heavier clotty bleeding but the pill kept the pain low so i didnt start freaking out til i felt a bump just below my bellybutton, i had to pee more often and my sciatica was coming back. did the ultrasound and yup they had doubled in size by december. my doc who referred me to a surgeon and after peppering him with questions im like 85% sure im gonna do the hysterectomy but wanted to ask about whats life like after it? -never had kids so prolapse wont be a problem? -keeping the ovaries, so i shouldn’t expect hormonal issues? -will be done via laparoscopic so recover should be quick? -anything else i should know/think about?