You can sacrifice your life for one cause that means something to you. Do you do it, and what cause do you choose?
You will be given the opportunity to sacrifice your life, and in return one cause that is important to you will make a complete 100% improvement to the point where it’s a non-issue to anyone anymore. This is a permanent change that, depending on the severity, will take up to 12 months to repair. After that, it will be nothing more than a distant memory to anyone who experienced it.
The issue can be global, or specific to a region in the world, but it must positively affect at least 2,500 people. Negative effects must be contained to <100 morally questionable people.
You have 30 minutes to decide. Once your decision has been made, you will have 24 hours to get your affairs in order. After those 24 hours, you will die peacefully. Your family and close friend will know of your sacrifice and will celebrate you, but you will not be known outside of this small group of people. You will not go down in history as a recognized hero, though you will still be an invisible hero to those you’ve helped.
If you use those 24 hours to do anything illegal or morally reprehensible, the deal is off and you will be destined to live out your life as a crash test dummy. Each crash will cause your body to painfully break, at which time you will regenerate just in time for the next crash test. You will do this until you die painfully at age 108. You will not have the ability to end your life before this.
Will you do it? And which issue do you choose?