You get 100$ dollar for every random item disappearing from your home

You now have a big yellow buzzer on the table in front of you and for every press you get 100$ but there’s a catch: per press one single random item disappears from your home and you won’t get it back. Will you press it and if yes, how often? By far the most items will be worth less than 100$ per piece: knives, forks, shampoo bottles, threads, tooth paste, onions…….but it could also be your computer, your childhood photo album or your car.

Some rules have to be set:

  • you can’t undo a press
  • small items that come in packs will always disappear as a pack i.e. rice, tissues, flour, salt. So there won’t be singular rice grains disappearing but the whole pack
  • you won’t get any warning beforehand so you can’t remove items from your home. What’s inside it (or the garage, driveway, street….) at this very moment counts
  • nothing that’s absolutely life threatening will disappear so if you have a pacemaker it won’t disappear. Guaranteed
  • shared items with your partner (couch, bed, tv, car you bought together) count as your items and it’s your job to explain to your wife where her hairbrush with the ribbed handle went
  • also if you still live with your parents and they bought all the stuff it might also disappear