Would you pause time for 150 years
Hypothetically, if you were given the option to pause time everywhere in the world, and wont be aging a day but for 150 years and can’t opt out once you made the choice, would you?
Edit: clarifying that small injuries and illnesses will heal over time, nothing is aware or will move except you. It would make sense that the Internet will also freeze but explorable, and food/water wont go bad.
Everything inanimate you touch will return back to normal, say a burger dropped before will stay floating, until you grab it which then it can start to spoil in time
“Why? Some people have asked.”
“In the time it takes to exhale, empires have crumbled, countries fallen and lay in ruins, corrupt leaders culled, wars drew to a close, and billions of bloodstained riches disappeared and reappeared in charities in a blink of an eye, some celebrate the coming of a new era, some worship and proclaim its providential work of God, some cower in fear of the unknown.”
But one man’s undertakings goes unsung as he leans back on the rock from where it all began, whom embraced eternity without tomorrow, free from his duties, turning his eyes to destiny unshackled. Perhaps maybe he lost his mind decades back, maybe he just went insane.