I witnessed something terrible at Taaza Kitchen

I went to Taaza kitchen, madhapur today. Was ordering something, while a group of 3 trans people came and started making a scene at the cash/ordering counter for money. Then they barged into the kitchen and started creating a mess there. While they were back at the counter, some staff went and called the manager, who came with a steel rod and demanded them to leave. They didn’t bother, so the guy started to beat them one by one, forcing them to leave. The two of them after getting beaten, started to leave. Then suddenly the third one among them, got a steel dust bin and violently threw/hit the manager guy with it, and fled. The guy started bleeding very badly from this nose and forehead. Some towels people handed him were drenched in blood, there was a pool of blood in the floor. Eventually people took him to hospital and after sometime police came. I left by then. It was hard to watch the entire thing.