Bad experience yesterday at charminar

Yesterday, I went to Charminar with my friends. I was worried it might be crowded, but they didn't listen and we went anyway. While we were walking there, we kind of split up, and I was with just one friend.

Since yesterday was Milad un Nabi Julus, everyone were in a festive mood. As we walked, I saw two guys coming towards me. They were spinning leather bands in their hands. One guy was spinning his band really fast. He saw me but didn't stop, so I moved out of the way just in time.

Out of curiosity, I turned to see what they were doing. Suddenly, the other guy turned and hit me on the back with his leather band for no reason. I was confused and hurt. Why would someone hit me when I was just there to enjoy the visit? It made me wonder about their upbringing.

What's worse is that I have a heart condition, so getting hit like that really hurt. Even now, my back still hurts. I hope those guys learn a lesson from this and realize that their actions were wrong.

Many people are taking this post in a wrong way, I posted it so that if you're ever visiting you'll be careful and hopefully won't end up getting hit like I did.