Tech claimed motor I bought myself isn’t the right “type” when he didn’t specify from the get-go. Doesn’t seem to have any answers to any other of my questions. [details and pictures in post]
Long story short- My blower motor broke/fell off and the tech told me it was going to be $2,400 for the part I needed, along with a 3-5 business day shipping time. I did some digging myself. Found the part for $300 and picked it up myself same day. I had multiple confirmations it was everything I needed. Tech came back out next day (today) and said it’s the wrong “type” of motor even though I was told nothing about it, and will be 3-5 business days for shipment. He mentioned something about me having a variable-speed unit and I need the “other one.” He did not tell me what the “other one” was.
Everything just seems off. My tech has been so incredibly unhelpful but with it being Friday if I call another company I’ll be pushing it back even more.
My main questions are: 1) will my new motor work? 2) can I do it myself with a 200 piece toolbox and working eyeballs and a brain? 3) he didn’t say the old motor is broken. Is there a chance it works and I can re-attach it? I know it still runs because we were able to diagnose the problem due to the sound of it running with no air-flow.