Not asking questions to matches on dating app.


So im currently on a dating app and i feel like im going crazy. Match after match i get people that, when i show my interest and ask them questions, love to go of about themselves and yap away and then when theyre done talking, they leave it at that. Is it normal to just talk about what you want to talk about and expect the other one to do the same? I dont understand. In my head its totally logical that if you are interested in someone, you want to know stuff about them and so you ask them questions about what it is you want to know. But i swear im starting to think im the odd one out because almost everybody i match with doesnt seem to show any interest or ask any questions besides maybe a “wby”. It leaves me feeling unseen and honestly it pisses me off. Maybe its my subconscious seeking out invalidation? Idk Can you relate?